Welcome to the homepage of FALLDOWN MODE!
FALLDOWN MODE is a doujinshi circle (同人誌サークル) with two members (also called doujinka, 同人家) and we create fanfiction!
Our work is It's Only You I Can't Escape, a multi-part dark Digimon Adventure 02 Takeru/Ken story. What happens when someone chases their worst impulses? Sometimes, all it takes is a little push...
This site is dedicated to our works and is also a Takeru/Ken (takeken, never kenkeru) ship shrine! Yes, the name order absolutely matters, and don't let anyone tell you otherwise.
Our works are known for their dark themes and psychological complexity in an erotic context. I'd characterize them as erotic thrillers, but also just thousands and thousands of words of filthy hardcore noncon porn. A beautiful downward spiral of cruelty and suffering... Don't you just love the smell of a pretty boy's tears in the morning?
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