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1. What You Deserve

Author: Moro

Enraged beyond reason at the Digimon Kaiser’s usage of Devimon, Takeru takes matters into his own hands. The beginning of the Digimon Adventure 02 dark AU It's Only You I Can't Escape, set in episode 19, ‘Composite Monster Chimeramon’ [JP]/‘An Old Enemy Returns’ [ENG].

It was easier than Takeru had expected to hoist the Kaiser off the floor. He grasped the front of the Kaiser's cape in both hands and dragged him to his feet. The cape bunched up under the bulky shoulder pads, pushed up around the Kaiser's neck.

"Rrrrgh–put me down you insolent worm!" the Kaiser shouted, struggling against Takeru's grip, trying to pry his hands loose while kicking his legs wildly, obviously hoping to knock Takeru down or force him to drop him with a stray kick to the shins.

"Shut up," Takeru snapped, his eyes darting around as he searched for other passages, heedless of the minor skirmish between Wormmon and Patamon taking place behind them. It wasn't important right now. Patamon could handle himself fine anyway.

There was... something burning ferociously within him, something he couldn't quite identify, a rage that stirred in his gut instead of in his chest. He couldn't place why, but he felt compelled to get the Kaiser somewhere more secluded than the hallway. Away from his digimon partner–away from Takeru's partner too. The compulsion tugged at him, like a hook embedded under his skin.

A few punches didn't feel like enough. It wasn't even close to enough.

There were a few other doors he could see. The fortress was mazelike, a building seemingly designed by an algorithm unconcerned with logical layout or human use. Though he'd hardly spent much time exploring the structure, from what he'd already seen, one room would likely be as good as any other.

"Unhand me!" the Kaiser demanded. "Put me down!"

"I don't think so. You're coming with me," Takeru said, as he dragged the struggling Kaiser backwards, shoved open a random door, and forced him inside.

"Hey! What're you–?!"

The room was dimly illuminated, like the rest of the Kaiser's fortress. Digital lights with no clear source brightened when they entered, casting an eerie blue glow over them. Takeru barely registered the door shutting behind him as he dragged the Kaiser toward the opposite wall.

Takeru could feel evil energy surrounding him: cloying, sticky, prickling on his skin like thorns. The close proximity of the Dark Whirlpool, or was that only his imagination? He shook his head in an attempt to disperse it, the vision of Devimon still horribly vivid in his mind. That strange fury blazed brighter.

How could he bring Devimon here? I'll make him pay for this. I'll make him pay for all of it. This jumped-up tyrant has been carrying on long enough.

"I said unhand me you little–ngh!"

Takeru let go of him abruptly and the Kaiser dropped to the floor, caught too off-guard to catch himself in time.

"I told you to shut up!" Takeru shouted. Before the Kaiser could get his bearings, Takeru threw another punch, which connected solidly with his opponent's jaw and knocked him flat on his back. The other boy yelled angrily, swinging wildly up at Takeru in reprisal, but he was uncoordinated, his punches flying wildly and easily avoided. It was clear he had never been in anything resembling an actual fight. Takeru supposed it wasn't really a surprise–what need did the Kaiser, with his legions of enslaved digimon, have to get his hands dirty? For that matter, what need would the "golden boy" Ichijouji have to fight anyone, when he was so idolized?

Of course, Takeru had never been in a real fight either, not like this, not with the both of them flush with adrenaline and a smoldering fire burning in his gut. It was nothing like play-fighting with Yamato, or the glorious rush of battle alongside Angemon.

He flung himself forward and pinned the Kaiser hard to the floor, grabbing both of the other boy's wrists and climbing on top of him, straddling him at the waist. "You think you're so superior, but I see right through you," Takeru jeered, leaning down closer to the Kaiser's face. "You're weak, and I'm the only one who sees it. You aren't special at all."

"You–how dare you!" the Kaiser sputtered, arching his back, straining hard against Takeru's grip. "Let go! You can't talk to me like that!"

"Ha! The little 'genius boy' doesn't like it when you tell him he's not special!" Takeru continued. Something, that fire inside him, roared louder. He felt as if he were teetering on the edge of some unnameable madness. It was as though a festering infection, fed and sustained by everything the Kaiser had done over the preceding months, had suddenly and violently burst to the surface.

A fragment, a threadinside him Takeru couldn't quite place seemed to fray a little thinner, his mind thrumming with an awful, indescribable energy.

I've had enough. I've had enough, Takeru thought furiously, his mind racing as much as his heart.Someone has to have the guts to make him pay. Make him really pay.

"How dare–"

Takeru hit the Kaiser again, this time aiming just below his ribs–the other boy's yelp of pain was abruptly truncated as the blow knocked the wind out of him. He grabbed at his chest as if he'd been stabbed, coughing violently.

"F-fuck you–" the Kaiser gasped out, his voice strained and thin as he fought to catch his breath. Just as Takeru was leaning back to deliver another blow, he spotted a set of chains against the wall in front of them.

A cruel smile spread across his face. Well, isn't that just perfect?

"Now I've really got you," Takeru said, lunging forward until he managed to grab the cuff on the end of one of the chains. It was unlocked, or at least open the dark, polished metal surface had no visible lock mechanism. Digimoji of unknown meaning were inscribed along the inside surface.

"Get off me–ow!" the Kaiser began, before the next words died in his throat as Takeru roughly yanked off the glove on his right hand and threw it over his shoulder. It would have been more satisfying to make use of the cuff the outfit already had, but there was no way to ensure the Kaiser wouldn't just wiggle free. Better to use one of the Kaiser's own restraints, almost guaranteed to be difficult to escape.

"What the–" Before the Kaiser could react, Takeru forced the metal cuff onto his wrist, snapping it closed with a loud metallic scrape.

"What do you think you're doing?!" The Kaiser's face was a twisted mask of fury, and if looks could kill, Takeru was certain he'd have dropped dead on the spot.

"I'm making sure you can't get away." Takeru cast his gaze around the room looking for something else he could use. One restrained wrist wasn't going to be enough...

He didn't need to look for long. Behind them he spotted another chain.

What an idiot, leaving so many all over the place. Suits me just fine, though.

"What the hell is this?!"

"You're not escaping justice this time," Takeru added in a low voice. Using his body weight to keep the Kaiser pinned to the floor, he twisted around and yanked off the Kaiser's left boot. He hauled the other chain towards them and locked it around the Kaiser's ankle with another satisfying metallic scrape.

"Get off!" the Kaiser demanded, his voice a little higher this time, the faintest hint of nerves. He pulled hard against the chains, but they were as strong as they looked, the metal cuffs unyielding. The chains rattled noisily against the polished floor, but to no avail. "Let me out of these this instant you coward!"

The Kaiser grabbed the cuff around his wrist with his other hand, managing to wedge his slim fingers under the edge of the cuff, but it was of no use. The cold metal was so tight to his skin he could hardly even bend his wrist.

Takeru sucked in a breath hard through his teeth, gratified at the way the Kaiser was struggling how, even with two limbs still free, he couldn't do anything to get loose.

"You're calling me a coward? I wonder which one of us is the coward here," Takeru said, bracing himself with his hands on either side of the Kaiser's head. He was close enough he could just barely see the other boy's violet eyes through the ridiculous tinted shades, and he thought he detected, beneath the anger, a whisper of fear. "Only one of us has been running away every time we get close. And only one of us looks scared right now."

The Kaiser took a weak swing up at Takeru and spat, "Shut up! I'm not afraid of you! You don't know anything!"

"I know everything I need to," Takeru replied. He caught the Kaiser's wrist mid-swing.

"Let go!" the Kaiser growled, immediately trying to jerk his hand away with a frustrated sound. Takeru's grip was as unyielding as the cuffs.

"You really don't know when to quit, do you?" Takeru said, digging his nails into the Kaiser's wrist hard enough that he knew it would hurt before he released his hold. The Kaiser tried and failed to hide the momentary flash of pain, not quite suppressing a flinch.

"Fine, okay, you got me," said the Kaiser, glaring up at Takeru with as much composure as he could muster. "Now I'll have to get my slaves to come free me, giving you and your little friends plenty of time to escape."

It could not have been more obvious that the increased bluster was nothing more than a front.

I've really got him now.

"No," Takeru said, voice suddenly deadly soft. "No, I've had enough. I've had enough of this stupid act, Ichijouji."

The Kaiser visibly paled. "I told you, don't call me that!"

"You're not in control anymore," said Takeru, grinning. "I'm the one in control now." His head swam, he felt dizzy, as if his heart was beating directly in his skull and not his chest–

No, he felt giddy. He never got to be the one in control of anything. Takeru the youngest, the smallest, the weakest, "Yamato's precious baby brother" who needed everyone's protection... None of them understood.

I'm not the small, weak one anymore.

His eyes raked over the Kaiser, chained beneath him, and the roiling flame in the pit of his stomach smoldered and flared.

The others don't get it. They don't see how it has to be. Hurting him in a... normal way isn't going to be enough. Evil isn't afraid of pain.

"Yes, yes, you're in control, you've gotten one over on me, had your little victory. Well done, now get out," said the Kaiser, words coming a little too quickly to match the look of prideful indignation he maintained.

"No. I haven't even gotten started."

Almost before he could think about it, Takeru found himself reaching for the Kaiser's shirt, feeling around for buttons, a zipper, whatever kept the costume on him. The fabric was smooth, almost slippery in his hands, cool to the touch, and felt thinner and less substantial than he had expected. Like a cheap costume.

"Hey–what the hell are you doing?! Get your hands off me!" the Kaiser demanded, the haughty tone in his voice slipping as he kicked his legs uselessly against the floor in an attempt to push himself away from Takeru.

Takeru made a frustrated sound in his throat. Whatever, I can't figure out how these stupid clothes work. I don't have time for this.

Instead, he grabbed a fistful of the fabric and yanked as hard as he could.


The fabric stretched, stretched, stretched–and then began to tear. Takeru grabbed the opposite side with his other hand and the thin fabric finally gave and shredded apart. Tossing scraps over his shoulder, Takeru's breath hitched sharply when his hands contacted soft skin underneath. It was warm and delicate under his hand. He was palpably aware of the heat in his own skin, the thundering of his heartbeat.

Adrenaline? He didn't know.

He didn't care.

How else is he going to learn?

"Stop!" the Kaiser demanded, reaching down in some vain attempt to cover himself. "Why are you–"

"You can't stop me," Takeru said, voice low in his throat. He paused, drumming his fingers thoughtfully against the Kaiser's chest. "So I'm pretty sure that means I can do whatever I want to you. Isn't that how it works in your little world?"

"No, that isn't–you can't–!" the Kaiser–no, Ken Ichijouji–stammered, the haughty, superior edge in his voice finally breaking altogether.

"I can, and I will."

Takeru let out a shaky breath as he ran his hands over Ken's chest, feeling the other boy's heart beating furiously against his ribs like a frightened animal. The Kaiser outfit had made him appear larger and more imposing than he really was. Takeru dragged his fingertips lightly across Ken's ribs, grinning at the way the other boy shuddered in response.


Takeru hesitated. He could stop now. He'd gotten the mask to slip, right? It was already so satisfying to see Ken like this, knowing it had been so easy to break down the "Digimon Kaiser" persona.


Even so.

No, it isn't enough.

That thread of something unraveled and snapped.

His hand trailed lower, brushing the ridge of Ken's pelvis.

"You are scared," Takeru observed with relish, his voice tinged with something disjointed, not quite believing himself as he unfastened Ken's belt. Without the belt to anchor it, the fabric of his outfit tore further, shredding halfway down his hips.

The urge to keep going was almost overwhelming, roaring low in the pit of Takeru's stomach.

"No!" Ken said, grabbing at Takeru's wrist and squirming underneath him. "What are you doingdon't!"

Rising to his knees above the Kaiser for better reach, Takeru's fingers slipped beneath the waistband and he laughed, ever so softly, as he roughly tugged the remains of Ken's pants out of the way. The fabric ran and came apart in shreds around his hips and legs, revealing very ordinary briefs.

Ken stiffened with a soft whimper. Takeru felt it in his blood.

His breaths coming faster, heavier now, a flush of heat deep within his gut that he couldn't distinguish from the burning anger roiling within, Takeru murmured, "Not so tough now, are you?"

"Stop it! Don't touch me!" Ken said, beginning to tremble. "You can't–do this, I'm the–"

"Digimon Kaiser?" Takeru finished mockingly, as his fingers played across Ken's skin at the edge of his briefs, grinning as that elicited another shiver in response. "The ruler of the Digital World, or something like that? Don't make me laugh."

"Stop this–stop–you're an insect, y-you're nothing!" Ken stammered, still vainly trying to maintain the veneer of arrogant superiority even with the façade of the Kaiser cracked in two.

I only need a bit more... more, and I can break him. I will break him.

Takeru moved his hand down, sliding over Ken's groin, palming him through the fabric.

"Why on earth should I stop, hm?"

"Wh–don't! No!" Ken gasped, flinching away much more strongly than he had when Takeru had punched him. He squirmed and pushed against Takeru's shoulder, grabbing for his wrist, trying to push him off, but it was no use. Takeru was younger than him. How was it he couldn't do anything?

"That mask of yours is slipping, Ichijouji," Takeru said.

"I told you not to call me that!" Ken cried, straining to draw his legs up to protect himself. "S-stop touching like that!"

"You're really not in a position to make demands," said Takeru, rubbing his hand slowly up and down over Ken's clothed dick, suddenly exceedingly aware of his own hardness. He sat back on Ken's legs and watched him as he touched him, the way Ken shivered and tried to hide his face with his free hand. He could feel the other boy's cock responding to the touch through his underwear, however faintly a momentary twitch, a pulse of heat rising in the wake of his hand.

"Don't–! Don't, nnh, touch me!" Ken repeated, increasingly plaintively, refusing to look at Takeru, as if by refusing to acknowledge him he could do anything to stop what was happening.

"Hmmm..." Takeru hummed quietly, before hooking the waistband of Ken's underwear with his fingertips and roughly yanking them down.

"Don't!" Ken cried, his voice hitching in his throat. "You've–you've won, okay?"

"Oh, I know," Takeru said casually, using his other hand to remove Ken's shades. He snapped them in two and tossed the broken halves to the side. Ken's eyes were wide and fearful. "But I need to make sure it sticks."

He slicked a couple of fingers with saliva, breaking into a dazzling angelic smile. "Evil has to be punished."

"Please, please, no," Ken begged, beginning to hyperventilate, his eyes welling up with tears he couldn't force down no matter how hard he tried. "Please–I'm begging you–"

"You've never listened to anyone when they begged for mercy," Takeru said, leaning down over Ken. "So why should I listen to you?" He punctuated the last word by harshly shoving his fingers into Ken's hole down to the knuckles.

"Ah–!" Ken cried, shuddering at the sudden, aching, invasive sensation. Takeru had lubricated his fingers, yes, but only slightly, and as he began to work them inside him, flexing and twisting, it sent shockwaves through Ken's whole lower body, awful and wrong. "Ngh, no! Stop, stop–!"

"I bet you've never done anything like this before, have you?" Takeru breathed, unzipping his shorts and reaching in to free his cock. He exhaled sharply at the sudden relief of pressure, anticipation and desire making him feel lightheaded. "Well. Me either, actually..."

Ken let out a despairing wail, all the confirmation Takeru needed that he was right.

"No! No, please," Ken whimpered, "just stop, I'm sorry, I'm sorry–nnh–"

"Oh, now you're sorry?" Takeru laughed, spitting into his other hand and lightly stroking his own cock. Even the light touch made him throb.

He couldn't remember ever being this worked up before in his life.

"'Sorry' isn't going to cut it," Takeru continued. "After all the shit you've done, you don't deserve to get off so easily."

He pumped his fingers into Ken more forcefully, a flush of pleasure chasing through him from his chest straight to his groin with every whimper and cry he evoked in response. Ken was incredibly tight and hot around his fingers, almost enough pressure to be painful. The other boy's face was deeply flushed, with dark bruises beginning to bloom across his jaw and neck where Takeru had punched him, and his fluffy hair was a mess.

Fuck. He'll look worse than this when I'm through with him. I'll ruin him.

"I'm sorry–" Ken gasped out again, tears now streaming freely down his cheeks, "stop, stop please I'm sorry–ngh–"

"Save your apologies for someone who cares." Takeru held his fingers deep and stretched and flexed them back and forth experimentally. The flesh had begun to yield slightly, the resistance to his fingers marginally less stiff than when he started.

Good enough. Abruptly, he yanked his fingers out. Ken cried out and flinched away, another small, hiccuping sob working its way free. Takeru felt his cock twitch in response, and spat into his hand one more time, lubricating himself a bit better, then knelt between Ken's legs. He grabbed Ken's free leg, hoisted it up over his shoulder, and aligned his cock with Ken's hole.

"No! No, no, you don't have to–I'll, I'll be good!" Ken negotiated desperately, his whole body shaking like a leaf. He felt horribly exposed, so much worse than before, with his legs spread open in such an obscene position. "I'll be good, I'll leave you alone, I'll leave all of your friends alone, please!"

"It's too late for that," Takeru said, and began, slowly, to push his cock into him. Ken let out a strangled cry, the muscles in his legs tensing furiously as he strained to push himself away, but he couldn't move enough to do anything about it, and the tensing up only made things worse.

"No–no no–please–ah!"

He jolted as the head of Takeru 's cock popped inside, too sudden, stretching him inexorably. Takeru didn't give him any time to adjust. With every shuddering breath Ken took, Takeru sank deeper inside him.

"Fuck... so tight," Takeru breathed, gripping Ken's leg hard when he finally bottomed out, buried inside him to the hilt. He moaned at the velvety tightness and heat surrounding his cock. Feeling Ken's insides with his fingers hadn't remotely prepared him for how incredible it felt to actually be inside him. It was so, so much better than he had imagined. The fire blazing in his gut felt as though it was consuming his whole body.

And the way Ken looked... Impaled on his cock, writhing under him, his chest quivering with sobs, clawing at the floor with one hand in a vain attempt to escape... Takeru felt a little shiver of pleasure at the sight.

Perfect. This is exactly how he should look. How he deserves to look.

"Take it out, hnnf, please," Ken begged, his whole body shaking as he tried and failed not to clench against the intrusion. Takeru's fingers had stung, but his cock felt like it was splitting him in half, hard and deep. "Please, it hurts!"

"You're the one who started all this," Takeru said. "It's your own fault you're getting exactly what you came for."

Takeru tried an experimental thrust, and immediately let out a loud moan, a burst of pleasure from the slick heat enveloping his cock on all sides and the sudden squeeze as Ken cried out and tensed automatically in response.

"I'll be good, I promise, I'll leave y-you and your friends alone!" Ken tried again. "It's, it's too much, take it out!"

"Ngh, you can't talk your way out of this," Takeru said, leaning forward and starting to thrust into Ken, albeit with an irregular rhythm, as yet unused to the movement. "I'm going to–hnn–give you what you deserve, and you're going to take it, and there's nothing you can do about it..."

"Stop, stop, please–ah–" Ken gasped the words out as Takeru fucked him, his body shoved across the floor with the force of it. "Ah–please–I'm sorry–"

"You feel so fucking good," Takeru moaned, drunk with Ken's whimpers and cries. The rhythm was getting easier, instinct taking over where experience was lacking, his hips snapping forward again and again. He drove into Ken's ass with bruising force, losing himself in the sensation.

"Th-this can't be happening," Ken gasped out, "It just can't, hff, I never–"

"It's not so fun, ah, when it's you that's helpless, is it?" Takeru snarled, a little breathless with the exertion, as he shifted forward, using his leverage on Ken's leg to wrench the other boy's hips further apart to get deeper inside. "Poor little Ichijouji, it's all so unfair, isn't it?"

He couldn't take his eyes off Ken, drinking in the expression of anguish on the other boy's face, that ridiculous fluffy mess of a hairstyle collapsed now, sticking to the side of Ken's face with sweat and tears.

"It wasn't, haah, supposed to be like this! It hurts, please, s-stop–" Ken whimpered, his hips aching from being held so far apart. He felt run through every time Takeru thrust into him, pinioned underneath him like an insect on a board. Worse, with each stroke Takeru's cock rammed against something inside him and an awful, nauseating burst of pleasure bloomed deep in his gut, a warmth that spread outward and radiated through his groin. It mingled with the pain in a terrible way, the two seeming to amplify each other.

"Funny how that works," Takeru said savagely between moans, shuddering with pleasure as Ken tightened around his cock every time his dick stroked against his prostate. "There are consequences!"

"I-it was just–ah–just supposed to be a game–" Ken cried, "I didn't mean–I never meant–"

"A game?" Takeru echoed incredulously, his voice just on the edge of vicious, hysterical laughter. The fury inside him bubbled up like an erupting geyser and he let go of Ken's leg and wrapped his hands around his throat instead, not even slowing down as he fucked him into the floor. "It's a fucking game to you, to play around with darkness and evil? You're even worse than I thought!"

"N–!!" Ken's eyes flew wide with panic as Takeru suddenly cut off his breathing, thrashing underneath him and clawing hard at Takeru's hands. His chest burned as he tried and failed to breathe, the sensation of Takeru driving into him even more heightened by the sudden cutoff of air.

Just as Ken thought he might pass out, Takeru released his neck. Ken sucked in a huge gulp of air, but before he could properly catch his breath Takeru slapped him hard across the face. He yelped brokenly, coughing and massaging his throat with one hand. A fresh cascade of tears poured down his cheeks.

"No, no, I'm not letting you off that easy," Takeru snarled, bracing himself with both hands on the floor so he could fuck Ken harder. "You don't, ah, get to escape by passing out–ngh, fuck–you're going to take it until I'm through."

He was getting closer, he could sense it–a tightening in his groin, the waves of pleasure continuously rippling over his cock as Ken's insides tensed and released in response to his thrusts.

The moans spilling from Ken's throat were indistinguishable from his sobs. Every time Takeru thrust into him, every time he was shoved hard against the floor, Takeru's cock slammed into that sensitive spot deep inside, bringing stars to his eyes and making his cock throb. He felt ill.

"Please–y-you've made your point," Ken sobbed. "Just f-finish and get it over with!"

When Takeru roughly grabbed his dick, Ken nearly screamed.

"You don't decide whether I've made my point," Takeru said, holding Ken's cock hard enough to hurt. "Or when I'm finished."

"Please–enough, I'm sorry–ah–!"

Takeru began stroking Ken's cock, roughly and without care. With great satisfaction he felt him rise to full hardness in his hand.

"Ah–ah–hff, don't–!" Ken clawed at the floor with a despairing sob. Takeru's hand was too rough and not quite lubricated enough, it chafed, and yet all the same pleasure was being forcibly wrung out of him, his traitorous body responding whether he liked it or not.

"Listen to you, moaning like a slut," said Takeru. "You like this, is that it? You like being ruined?"


"See, look at that, you're hard," Takeru added, rubbing the tips of his fingers along the sensitive underside of Ken's cock. "Sure seems like you like it."

"It's–it's n-not like that!" Ken protested. "That's just–that's just, hnn, biology!"

"Sure it is..." As he stroked Ken's cock he felt Ken's muscles fluttering against him and moaned. "Nnnh, I think you're just... ah, what's the phrase, a glutton for punishment?"

"No, no no–ahh–I-I don't–" Ken's words were coming so rapidly they were hard to discern. "It's not–ah, ah, please–"

"Well, if you come, it definitely means you like it," Takeru continued, his thrusts becoming more irregular as his own climax drew nearer. He spat into his hand and jerked Ken's dick faster, feeling it twitch in his hand. Ken was close, too, whether he wanted to be or not–Takeru was certain of it.

"No!" Ken protested, covering his face with his hand. "I don't want–ah, ahh–!"

–Takeru's fingers pressed in hard just below the head of his cock and Ken's orgasm crashed over him like a tidal wave, destructive and overwhelming. Spurts of cum splashed over Takeru's hand, Ken's muscles squeezing rhythmically down on Takeru's cock.

"Fuck that's good...ah, you're gonna make me come, Ichijouji," Takeru moaned, not slowing down at all. He was so close, just a little more–

"No!" Ken cried in horror. "N-not–in–" If Takeru finally came, at least it would be over, he hoped... but the thought of Takeru coming inside him made him feel sick.

"Nnh, fuck–I–"

Takeru's hips snapped forward hard as he came, spilling cum deep inside Ken. Ken whimpered in despair. Takeru bit his lip, the pleasure so overwhelming it was almost too much, as he rode it out, little shocks chasing down his spine.

God, I never realized it would be this good, he thought deliriously.

Finally, when his body had ceased twitching in the aftermath of his orgasm and his cock had softened, Takeru let himself slide out. He sat back on his heels for a moment to catch his breath.

Ken slumped, drawing himself into a ball as much as he was able given the restraints. He felt empty, hollowed out, and not only physically. His chest kept trembling, but his body seemed to have run out of energy and tears.

Takeru wiped his messy hand off on Ken's cape, stood, and zipped up his shorts. His legs felt slightly unsteady and by the way his clothes were sticking to his skin he had definitely worked up a sweat, but it was nothing the others were likely to notice.

"There. You g-got what you wanted," Ken mumbled, staring hard at the floor. His voice was strained, scratchy from crying. "Please just. Get out."

Takeru smiled. Ken looked so good sprawled on the floor, skin damp with sweat, his ass slowly leaking Takeru's cum and his eyes red from crying. It was almost enough to make him want to go for another round.

...Better not. The others would almost certainly be wondering where he was by now. If the battle outside wasn't wrapped up already, they could probably use him there, too.

He could always come back another time.


Well, naturally.

The Kaiser still has a lot left to answer for. I need to make sure he pays for all of it. As many times as it takes.

"Mm. I guess I should be getting back," Takeru said.

"Just get out," Ken repeated brokenly.

In the hallway, the ceiling had been cracked open like an eggshell, bright daylight and the sounds of distant battle filtering through from outside. Takeru was slightly amazed he hadn't heard the ceiling get destroyed.

He took one last look back at the defeated Kaiser, trying to etch every detail in his mind.

"See you later, Ichijouji," he said, as the door slid shut behind him.

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