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2. Watch the Castles Burn

Author: Sparrow

This takes place during episode 20 ("Transcendent Evolution! Gold Magnamon" or dub "The Darkness Before Dawn"), because based on the Kaiser's continued actions, clearly Takeru's lesson didn't stick the first time.

Hyperventilating shifted into mad giggles. The Kaiser staggered to his feet and ignored Wormmon's desperate concern. He was losing it. Hallucinating things that weren't really there. Hearing voices echo all around him.

On the knife's edge of victory, poised to slip off into insanity should he fail.

He couldn't afford to fail.

"Don't follow me!" he barked, kicking Wormmon aside when he tried to block the door. He was the Digimon Kaiser. He didn't have time for this. He bowed to nobody.

Which was exactly why Ken fled to his bedroom. He couldn't show weakness, especially not in front of that worm. Perched on the edge of the mattress, he removed his glasses and worked to steady his shallow, erratic breathing.

It didn't matter. None of it would matter when he won.

Ken's head shot up at the sound of the door opening. He stared blankly at the silhouette before it resolved into Takeru, and then burst into hysterical giggles.

"Him too? You're not real. I'm just seeing things. None of it matters because it's not real. This isn't happening."

A cruel grin slid across Takeru's face as he stalked forward. His shadow settled over Ken just as the imagined Devimon's had earlier. Another hallucination. Nothing real.

And then the boy shoved hard at Ken's shoulders, the force toppling the Kaiser back onto the bed. Ken's eyes flew wide open with shock, a pathetic cry of surprise escaping him at the physical contact, unbearably real.

"No. No this isn't happening none of this is real you're just another hallucination..."

Takeru laughed, with an edge of hysteria that rivalled Ken's. He grinned with manic glee as he dove onto Ken, snatching up his wrists and squeezing them until Ken felt pins and needles.

Ken continued his panicked litany until Takeru yanked at his belt, at which point he screeched and clawed and kicked and jerked away. None of it made a difference. None of it deterred Takeru from squeezing his wrists bruisingly hard and laughing and laughing as he wrapped Ken's belt tight enough around them both that his hands prickled.

"Get off me! Get off of me!" Ken shrieked. Takeru smacked him in the face.

A gentle coo, soft and deadly: "Look at that. The poor little Kaiser's gotten careless. What, did you really still think you were safe locked up in this stupid fortress?"

"You're not real, you're not, you can't be, stop stop stop stop—"

Takeru's taunting mask slipped, and pure fury shown through from underneath. "Shut up, Ichijouji. I'm not a figment of your imagination and you know it."

Ken fell limp in Takeru's hold and whimpered.

"Y-you already got what you wanted, I s-said you win, I—"

"And clearly you're a liar," Takeru snarled, wrapping his hands around Ken's neck and pushing him down into the mattress. "This stunt of yours doesn't look like surrender to me. That monstrosity of yours is destroying entire towns!"

"I'm sorry! I'm sorry I'm sorry I'm sorry I c-can't control him I didn't command him to—"

Takeru tightened his grip on Ken's neck, choking off any further helpless protesting. Ken whined in the back of his throat, wriggling under Takeru in a failed attempt to put distance between them. Tears streaked his face.

"And that's why you don't mess around with the powers of darkness," Takeru hissed, finally releasing his stranglehold. Ken gasped desperately for breath.

Ken couldn't rebuild the mental armor of the Digimon Kaiser around himself as Takeru picked up the nearest discarded whip and growled, "Roll over."

His body was wracked with shivers, but Ken rolled over. As terrified as he was for what came next, at least maybe it would stop before all his clothes were torn off a second time—

He jerked with a sharp cry as the first bite of the whip struck across his shoulders. Takeru had no finesse, but that didn't matter. It was hardly needed in order to elicit the desired reaction.

The cruel leather left Ken's outfit in tatters, ripping through the fabric like it was tissue paper. His shoulders, the broad plane of his back, the backs of his thighs. His ass.

Ken curled up with a whimper, dragging himself away using his elbows. Only to be yanked back by the ankles, flipped over, and receive a harsh slap directly on his flaccid dick.

He screamed again, and cried, and babbled out more useless pleas for Takeru to stop, not again, he couldn't take it a second time...

Takeru dragged Ken closer, and plunged his cock directly into Ken's ass.

His body went rigid with pain, and then Ken thrashed desperately against Takeru's tight grip on his biceps.

"Stop, stop! It hurts!"

"Hah... It's lucky you're loosened up. Bet you didn't even clean all of my cum out from earlier yet, did you, Ichijouji?"

"N-nnnn, stop it hurts it hurts stop, take it out! I can't!"

"Sorry. I can't control it," Takeru said sweetly, laced with acid.

He pulled back before thrusting deeper. Ken's already tender skin was again torn open, ripped apart to ease the way with spilled blood.

And then he lightly tugged on Ken's balls. An ungodly scream tore through Ken's throat, cutting off with a sharp gasp when Takeru gripped his limp dick.

The friction burned, but that didn't keep Ken's cock from hardening under the constant assault of Takeru's insistent stroking.

Then he slammed directly into Ken's prostate, and with a jolt, Ken let a half-strangled moan escape him when his cock jumped in Takeru's harsh hold.

"Look at that, your body knows what you deserve. I'm just giving the sick little slut what he needs," Takeru said, voice breathy with arousal but tone rich with cruelty.

"I don't want this I don't I don't want it I don't stop stop...nnngh!"

"What was that, Ken? 'Don't stop'?"

"No! No, please, no more, let go of me, get off!"

"I'm getting off right now," Takeru huffed, picking up the pace with zero regard for Ken's desperate crying and denial.

The crushing, rhythmic clenching grew faster and tighter and oh, Takeru felt his orgasm crash over him, and finished with a drawn-out moan.

Ken came explosively all over Takeru's hand moments after, hoarse voice repeating an endless litany of refusal even after the final spurts of cum.

"You're the one who came. Quit pretending th—whoa!"

A rumble, screeching metal and crushing rock, a cacophony of destruction too close to the room for comfort. Ken flinched and whimpered as Takeru bolted to his feet once the tremors passed.

"Oh yeah, my friends are fighting your abomination. Better go. They might need my help, tearing this place apart."

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